miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2013

Kate Winslet.

“Leo and I were literally straight on the tip [of the boat], and we were about to go down slowly with the ship. It was a night shoot and we were outside and it was very, very cold, and we were up there on this tip literally, a hundred foot in the air, absolutely petrified, and they were adjusting the camera angle and Leo and I just hung on to each other for dear life. We had cigarettes hidden in the pockets of our costumes and the two of us literally were having conversations like ,’What would happen if we died?’ and I’d say things like ‘Leo, I love you, I really do love you so much. You are a very important person to me and I’d have your babies. I would, I’d have your babies, really, it’s fine. And help me God, dear God, please tell my mum that I love her dearly’. We were so, so scared. But that’s the nature of the game. You look back on it and it was all completely thrilling and compelling-every day.”

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